Our Director

Miss Erin Dixon

Erin Dixon graduated from James Madison University in May of 2020 with a Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a minor in Music and Human Services. Her curricular journey at JMU has brought many diverse experiences in both curricular and co-curricular music making. She served as Sergeant at Arms of the Gamma Iota chapter of SAI (Sigma Alpha Iota-Professional Music Service Fraternity), Music Director of JMU's premier all female a cappella group, Note-oriety, and is also the recipient of the 2019 Joy Hollar Costello Endowment in Music Education Award and Scholarship.

A previous member and manager of The Madison Singers, she has also sung with the JMU Chorale, Treble Chamber Choir, and was the Fall 2019 undergraduate manager/conductor for The University Men's Chorus. She currently sings in the Richmond Symphony Chorus and at St. John's Episcopal church. One of the unexpected treasures JMU uncovered for her was falling in love with the saxophone and joining The Marching Royal Dukes, JMU Pep Band, JMU Concert Band, and Richmond Concert Band. Her love of instrumental arts still runs strong as she co-directs our show band, Hawk Yeah along side Mr. Charles Spurlock.

​Following graduation she taught Elementary Music for 1 year in Chesterfield County before joining us at Hanover in the fall of 2021. She is currently a professional member of NAFME and ACDA. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and telling the world how awesome and talented her students are!